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The second largest footwear brand in the world, Skechers, has recently landed in Brazil and already has ten stores in several states: Brasília, São Paulo, Recife, Ceará, Cuiabá and Rio Grande do Norte.


The layout used in the stores was designed to enhance the brand’s products which are divided in three categories: women, men and kids. In addition, the two main sections (men and women) are divided in lifestyle and performance shoes.

The kids section has super colorful shoes, full of glitter, lights and effects to attract the youngsters.

The lighting technique uses spots and was designed to attract clients to the featured products. The floor reminds us of demolition wood and reinforces the main concept applied in all Brazilian branches

Project Name: Skechers – Tamboré
Author: Todos Arquitetura
Team: Lais Delbianco, Fabio Mota, Mauricio Arruda, Emily Shayo, Mariana Santoro, Henrique Lauer
Area: 120m²
Local: Av. Piracema, 669, Tamboré, Barueri – SP
Year: 2016
Photos: Lufe Gomes