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Imagine a dream day that you can eat every day. It seems impossible? This is precisely the proposal of Lowko, Brazilian brand that launches the first low-calorie ice cream. Our mission was to bring to the reality of the Lowko world, a fantastic universe, artistic, instagramável and technological.

Located in the Shopping Villa Lobos, the project refers to a ice cream factory in this impossible world. The colors and characters of the layout make reference to the brand’s visual identity and to the five flavors: pistachio, guava cheesecake, vanilla, cherry and hazelnut with chocolate.

To reinforce the main concept, the pipes of the machines are present in all space, mixing the dimensional with the three-dimensional.

The space brings simple geometric shapes, which hightlights in the minimalist decoration. To represent the low calorie branded products, the space has an ice cream ball, which is so light floats.

A totem with calorie information and tablets to order are also available.

Project Name: Lowko
Author: Todos Arquitetura
Local: Shopping Villa Lobos – São Paulo – SP
Team: Fábio Mota, Laís Delbianco, Maurício Arruda, Rogério Gurgel, Yuri Santana
Area: 5,50 m²
Year: 2019